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1301 Allenbrook Drive
Charlotte, NC, 28208
United States



Knight Cities Challenge

Katie Lloyd

Familiar Workshop is excited to be a finalist for a Knight Cities Challenge project!

See full list of finalists, here:


Dine with Me CLT

Create spaces that encourage communication through shared meals and storytelling in order to foster community engagement and strengthen neighborhood pride.

This proposal will transform underutilized public land into meaningful community gathering spaces through the construction of custom family-style picnic tables in 3-5 neighborhoods within Charlotte. In addition to custom designed picnic furniture, the community will have the opportunity to help design and paint unique graphics on the tables and other site furniture. After the kickoff and painting event, there will be at least one community meal at each site. Local restaurants and residents will be invited and encouraged to bring items to the meal to share. This pop-up potluck can then be repeated by neighborhood organizations as they see fit.